Tuesday, October 4, 2011

you CALLED Lord

Lord, I 'sit' or lay relaxed and yet I am not . . .I am anxious to hear from you. Anxious to move beyond what is right in front of me, anxious to have everything fixed ..... and yet, THAT is not what YOU have for me as of yet.

Lord, give me the patience to wait on you again. Lord, YOU got this, YOU have had this, and I thank you for Alexa and Linda yesterday who were your agents of change, Dave too, but as I said, thanks. . . this is still about YOU and ME ..... YOU and ME and the Holy Ghost. (Alexa uses that term . . .sort of like it . different than Holy Spirit.) YOU is where I find my eternal and present happiness, and I know that.

I thank you for answered prayer - I thank you for your provisions and for the new start - one day, my focus is ON YOU.

Your daughter, michelle

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