Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Basking in the outpouring ----

So, this past weekend - God rocked.  God showed off.  Women saw years of chains broken and there were physical as well as emotional healings.  There was also new life....  our lives changed.

This weekend brought forth so much joy, that I even was skipping down the hallway in front of my Principal and then I stopped to share a testimony that a lady shared at our Celebration Service on Sunday night.  When one shares publicly -- then I can share it again and enjoy the blessing of retelling it.  Something that seems so impossible and yet -- so amazingly God!

That testimony was simply this, "I came here Friday, knowing I may lose my baby, Saturday I miscarried a baby, but God gave me a new heart and I am washed clean by the blood of Jesus".   This sweet and powerful young woman also got her purpose..... Ezek 2 and 3 ..... read it - what a word from the LORD for ALL of us.  It was a word for me!   

Tonight, as I am VERY exhausted I just have to praise my Lord.....

As THIS is my testimony for this weekend:

Michelle, what did God do for you this weekend?   

This weekend I was humbled again  - Why  would the Lord  do this for me?   Why do I get this favor?  Why is the  Lord allowing me to get a double portion again?

Why is it that when the HS tells me something and it seems like I 'pulled it out of my butt'..that it comes into fruition -- and it blesses the socks off another and allows them to know that they know -- GOD is real?

Why?  BECAUSE THAT is God.......   period.   Everything is used for HIS glory.

 Personally, this weekend, the Lord broke chains that  HE revealed.  Healing and forgiveness comes in layers.  Our lives are a giant sized onion and we are peeling back the skin -- layer by layer.  Have you even been cutting an onion and find a 'new bulb' within the there was the onion and then the rest of the onion grew over the top of it?   That happened just the other night and --what a perfect illustration.  As we continue to grow and walk with the Lord - HE continues to remove stuff that we have repressed and pushed WAY down within us -- but HE  knew it was now time for a deeper healing.  And ...... I did not know I had...chains of burdens of being in ministry...chains of being a people pleaser...and more chains that were attached to unforgiveness. But, HE revealed them and I was set free.

Free enough to be skipping and dancing down the aisle of my workplace.
Free enough to ask a total stranger on Sunday night if he was saved.
Free enough to lay at the alter while others were doing praise and worship and just humbled myself before the Lord.
Free enough/ filled with the HS and overflowing  to preach without notes  -- 3x.
Free enough /and filled with the HS and overflowing   to look into the eyes of a woman and let her know - she has a ministry and a mission with our jail system.
Free enough/ and filled with the HS and overflowing /  to look into the eyes of a woman and let her know -- GOD has not forsaken her.


I have not experienced this amount of JOY in months..... months.  There was such a spirit of laughter than enveloped us all.  

It is interesting - as  Holy Spirit has been teaching me and showing me that I was being made aware. Therefore, I could  see women from new perspectives and He is also allowing more women to come for counsel.  With that, one may be overwhelmed and yet -- HE has released a few others and so it balanced.

God protects us and I trust the faithfulness of God as HE covers the foolishness of Michelle.

God also awakened in me more gifts and gave me prophetic insight on many many levels.

For example, while holding and rocking a sweet one, I got a vision and shared it with her by describing what I was seeing.  As we rocked and prayed and I described....she released something supernaturally  -- we went to the Cross to release the bondage and she received the freedom she did not realize was available.

It is an incredible Jesus high.

God asked me to preach without notes and I did.  God protected me and used my team  to cover my actions and  mishaps if any  -- as a team we were so united.

As I got words to preach at 4 am......I  then walked around the meeting area at 5am and preached to empty chairs...I heard God say, they won't be empty for long.

And as I preached and spoke life - Satan got mad and almost immediately flooded my brain with two distinct visions and thoughts of my past and I was right there at the cross -- I confessed them or told God WHY they hurt so badly and then released them.  I have not cried THAT hard in a bit -- I am surprised I did not wake up the ladies.  But, after I wept......I looked up at the cross and hugged it.

Many take their nails and strike the cross -- I have before - as a symbolic gesture to recognize that I nailed Jesus there but also to release it to HIM.  At my first encounter, I just wanted to hug Jesus and I did at the foot of the cross.  I hugged the cross.  At 5.12 am Sunday - I did it again.

I truly believe the Lord brought me a deeper deeper healing.  And He clearly gave me instructions to wash another's  feet.  Now, I did it symbolically -- and I am willing to do it in person too, but I will wait for my release from  God and another. 

We must remember, extending forgive
ness is not for 'that' person -- it is for us.
Humbly being willing to wash the feet of another that hurt us is certainly a  great release but often that person is not ready to receive it.  We must proceed only if the HS so perfectly confirms.

And, I had many many visions and answers -- God revealed the plan for the next Encounter and as HE awoke me at 3.57 Monday, HE began to write a story and details of the next.

My fingers could not write fast enough.  God continues to remind us - time is short.  HE wants His bride ready.  These weekends are powerful and beginning to cross denominational is only a matter of time when we will truly be ONE BODY in Christ.

 That is  WHAT God did for me --

If you are interested in attending the next one - contact me.

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