Tuesday, September 15, 2015


Recently I watched  a Beth Moore Simulcast and was just enamored with how much God must love me.  ...Just me....

Ha ha, I realize that God loves EACH and every one of us in that same manner, as He sent His Son to die on the Cross for us  -- and at times, I get a glimpse of that love.

Last Saturday, I got to sit in a beautiful church and worship the Almighty Father.  Listen to one of His servants speak.....RIGHT to me and I was in heaven.  For a brief moment I could get a glimpse of what heaven was like -- just sitting at HIS feet and listening and learning. 

Beth was speaking about the word "audacious"  and its meaning.  And she shared several points about being audacious and living an audacious lovely life  and one of the points:

1.  THE Audacity to make the unseen Savior the Supreme romance of My Life.   

I listened and thought about the GREAT loves of my life;  when, I fell in love.  When I realized what LOVE was really about, and then when I truly fell in love with my Savior.  Realizing  that with great certainty -- I was the reason He went to the cross.  He loved me as much as He loved Mary who bore Jesus and even as much as He loved Peter or Ruth, or even Ester.  Me...Me....me.

I think again about the GREAT loves of my life and moments where I felt MOST loved.

I think back  to my wedding day.
I think about the day when I came home with my first child- Taylor.
I think about the day when I awoke in a hospital bed after an extra surgery and realized that I was in a bit of a 'health scare' - with concern in my husband's eyes -- I knew I was loved.
I think about the day when I watched our 2nd child, our son,  be loaded into a ambulance after he was born and then shipped off to a NICU.   The  great LOVE I felt for that newborn.
I think about the day ( at my Encounter weekend ) that I truly saw the Passion of Christ in a new light and fell smack in love with God  and Jesus and the Holy Spirit.

I think of those days - as days of joy. I think of those days and just smile and know that I know -- I can do anything with Christ .

And I added another day to that list.  A day in which, I saw my  first born smile in unbelief as her future husband got on one knee and  asked her to marry him.  On that day....I realized again, how much God loves me.   As this day was an answer to a prayer that I had been praying for 24 years.   To see your child, meet a person, fall in love, and become one with that person ....priceless.

To watch another set of  parents fall in love with your child and love her like she was always theirs.....Priceless.

And then, be able to watch a child pick a dress, discuss flowers, photographers,  and then a venue -- for a wedding celebration -- it is indeed  a testimony of God's grace and mercy.


Beth stated, to LOVE an unseen God...an unseen Savior and allow HIM to romance me.

Marriage is a union. God's plan for us to learn to live as the 'bride' of Christ.
When will God look at Jesus and say, "call your bride home - we are ready for a wedding".

When will it happen?

No one knows.

God romances me every day.  I see it - in HIS grace and mercy and the sweet things HE orchestrates for me each day to witness and to be a part of.  I get visions.  I see wonders and get the honor to pray for people and SEE the answered prayers.  WHAT a romance...I want MORE.

Do I romance Him?  Am I ?

I believe I am when I seek FIRST HIS Kingdom and when I create a home for my family and show honor to my husband and such.  I believe I am when I READ His Word and then live by it.  I believe I am when I am in prayer.  I believe I am when I am singing and dancing for worship to Him.

However, is HE the SUPREME romance of my life....or am I caught up in other stuff?

Lord, I pray that YOU always remain the SUPREME romance of my life.  
May my life be a reflection of YOU. 
Empty me of me Lord...fill me with YOU.  
God.... I know I don't  have to be a 'beth'...I have to be Michelle and YOU will use me in a mighty way.  Lord, for my girl, my baby, my first born....as this wedding is planned and gets underway and she creates a home with the man You have brought to her --may she always see and know that YOU romanced her FIRST  and than You are the supreme romance of her life. 

 Lord, that You are the supreme romance of his life...and as each of them seeks You first -- their marriage will be a long lasting one and be a blessing to You.  And You will use these two to further Your Kingdom.  Thank you Lord, amen. 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! And a solid reminder of the one who loves us completely...
    Best wishes for your daughter's wedding and marriage. She has a good role model...YOU.


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