Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Commissioning Statment - United in Armor - God Encounter Weekend

Here it is ladies, the Closing prayer and then our Commissioning statement.

It was important that you were paired up with a women of YOUR era.... as those 30 and younger -- you are in a position in our decade and we want to position you well.  YOU are going to indeed see even more signs and wonders as you continue this journey with God and therefore, you now have 39 best NEW friends and prayer warriors -- don't forget, we are only a phone call away.   

Including ...me.....I did not have the time this Encounter to connect with ALL that joined us.  The HOLY Spirit had me Everywhere, but I thank those that came to me and loved on me.  And I pray that EACH and every one of you don't see me as INTIMIDATING anymore -- please.  

Dear Heavenly Father, if ever there was such a time when the women of the world would come together ...well Lord, these women, these blessed, chosen, accepted, redeemed, forgiven, adopted and free women have come together here in Titusville and there has been a great awakening her that we pray Lord...will follow us back to Okeechobee...to our homes...to our lives...to our workplaces...and to our church families.  Lord, we pray we would never let it die, the enemy has been bound, the freedom came with a cost - your shed blood - but we praise and thank you for that Lord.  We have taken the authority you placed in us, in Jesus' name, and we are going to live in our newly found freedom and awakened spirit with liberty and such freedom that can't be contained.  Amen.

Commissioning Statement:

Turn to your sister in Christ -- and repeat after me:

YOU have awakened my sister,
as we trust God,
as YOU walk in this new freedom, 
take heart, you have YOUR armor ON!  
The God Almighty, El Shadday has given you the equipment - 
Take up your armor
notice you are girded with truth
admire YOUR breastplate of righteousness to ward off the firey darts
put on those shoes girl and stand in your peace
spit shine that shield of faith
and place that helmet on your head - you are sealed. 
With armor in check, 
grab that sword, God's word, and
Are you ready to battle?  
Cause as soon as you step outside those doors - 
it 's ON! 
YOU will be reminded of life - But YOU God this!  
YOU will be reminded of your past -- But it was forgiven!  
YOU will be reminded of what still need to be done ... But...THAT WAS EASY,,,,, 

I am fully equipped - 
I love God' s Word  - 
I'll live on the truths of God's Word -
I 'll study it with new revelations - 
I'll memorize scripture and hide it in my heart - 
I'll stay on guard  and keep my freedom - 
I can stand tall against Satan's attacks -  
...all of them...even if he uses my child against me
even if he uses my husband...
even if he uses FaceBook...
even if he uses my mother....  

I will trust God to keep me protected.  
I will call upon my best friend the Holy Spirit. 
When the Holy Spirit convicts me of sin -- 
I'll seek forgiveness, quickly.
But I will also repent and sin no more!  
I'll trust the Holy Spirit to intercede for me. 
I'l be lead by the Holy Spirit.
I'll live my life in line with God's will - 
and when something arises within my one, I now will be 
ready to win the battle. 
I'll pray!  
1 John 2.27 says, "as for me, the anointing I received
from Him will remain in me, 
I won't need anyone to teach me, as 
HIS anointing teaches me about all things!  

I am FREE!  
I will remember - 
it is NOT about our church -- it is about a call 
to all Christians in all meetings on Sundays! 
The time is NOW! 
Will YOU allow God to use you?  
I will!  

HE knows YOU will!!  
Good bye - This Encounter Weekend is now Done!  

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