Saturday, October 13, 2018

Beloved, God's Providence Prayer #18

It is Saturday and if you are trying to follow these prayers in succession - I am sorry. 

 In fact, one of the women whose heart is on my mind right now, as I write these prayers, she is probably really flummoxed about the fact that I have not posted #11-17 and thinking, "and  today she is posting #18'???"

Pa ha ha ah aha Ha ... actually she loves me for WHO I am and understands me and she  isn't bothered.  She knows she is prayed for and that I will post #11-17 when it is God's time.  But there are other women that are on my heart as well -- and if my posting of #18 is bothering you -- just hold on.  But God knows the timing.  

Be rest assured--  I may be very creative with a messy desk and AdHd brain and actions ...but I am determined to get those others posted. 

 I really WANT those,  that follow these prayers,  to read them and IF I would POST them all today one would only skim the content  and that is not what God wants.  Nor I. 

I think that is called... being 'mindful' of God's timing. 

 Sometimes we must wait.  And....I think I blogged about that too.  LOL!!!! 

Anyway -- today is Saturday!!   It is a rare one that I get to sleep in, but headed to work with my man later so I had better be quick with this blog! 

Today, I heard from the Lord - very clearly. 

I asked and wrote in my journal, "you have MORE for me and Brendan, don't you with our testimony" and I clearly heard, "yes". 

The Crisis that Bren and I placed ourselves into,  back between 2004-2010,  was clearly our doing.  In my bible study today, Priscilla Shirer made a statement: 

 "Everything we deal with is either
 God arranged or God allowed."

I wrote that so fast and then wrote this...

The crisis -- God positioned us.  Gideon wasn't on the threshing floor when an angel of God/God met him.  He was backed into a corner - in the wine press.  Judges 6

He was in the exact place that God had ordained.  He lacked courage, was timid, fearful, and very insecure.  And yet -- GOD used him.  He was being attacked by the Midianites and in reality -- they were his cousins - family.   The children of Israel knew what it was like to have a reoccurring problem.  But GOD met them there.  God met Gideon there. 

1. The Crisis that Gideon was in,   WAS NOT  powerful enough to place him out of the reach of God.  

  • The Crisis that we were in, WAS NOT  powerful enough to place us out of the reach of God.  
  • The Crisis that YOU are in right now, IS NOT  powerful enough to place you out of the REACH of God.  

 2.  The Crisis does position you for your calling.  

  • The Crisis did position us for our calling. 
  • The Crisis will position you for your calling.  

3.  Gideon's crisis did not dictate his capabilities.  

  • Our crisis did not dictate our capabilities. 
  • YOUR Crisis is NOT dictating your capabilities.  

    And the angel  called to him, "the LORD is with you, valiant warrior". 

Gideon had not been a warrior nor acted in any valiant  ways.  And yet, God was calling it into existence!  

God's providence will never take us to 
a place where His grace can't sustain us.
God's providence will never take us to a
 place where His grace can't sustain us.  

God's providence will never take
 us to a place where His grace can't sustain us.  

God's grace sustained us both.  We survived a brutal attack by Satan and our own doing...but God Won.  I believe God will win in any situation that is given to Him and then obedience  must occur.  Change happens.  People can change and Prayer with  the Armor of God is our weapon!   God did not save us for us to just 'relish'  in our accomplishments.  He protected us and sustained us while we each got our heads and hearts back to seeking HIM first.  

"No amount of discipline will change a behavior/thought  or cover up a desire to sin.  
Only a DESIRE to please God and do His will  -- gets us to cover the desire to sin and creates in us ...a new heart.  A new marriage.  A new life.   His."   
------- That would be a direct quote from my man.... !!  

Lord, there is a women right now that is in the middle of muck.  Another is in the middle of a flummoxed season.  And yet, there is another who made some REAL revelations last night and now she wants  to make some changes and do exactly what You would want her to do.  But she needs grace.  She needs to give grace and receive grace as well.  Lord .. YOUR providence is wanted, needed, and sought.  Be with EACH of these women on my heart today.  Be with the one reading this and realizing that YOU are speaking to her and are wanting her to change something.  Be with the one reading this and knows that she knows this is 'her' life and doesn't want to deal.   God move.  I thank you for that one special flummoxed woman in my life -- who has BEEN smiling more of late.  I am so pleased Lord, and believing that a healing is approaching -- as she continues to get closser to YOU -- IN Jesus Name,  Amen.  

noun: providence
  1. the protective care of God or of nature as a spiritual power.

    "they found their trust in divine providence to be a source of comfort"

    synonyms:fatedestinynemesiskismet, God's will, divine intervention, predestination, predetermination, the stars; More
    • God or nature as providing protective or spiritual care.
      noun: Providence

      "I live out my life as Providence decrees"
    • timely preparation for future eventualities.

      "it was considered a duty to encourage providence"

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