Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Beloved, some times one just can't pray. Prayer #5.

So very true...some days, some nights, or in some moments the words won't
come or maybe you just DO NOT want to pray ONE more time. 

God truly does know your head and heart, but I do believe there is obedience in voicing our praise and requests to our Lord. 

But often, I forget this one simple prayer. 

From Matthew 6 ....  this is from the ESV version.  

Our Father in heaven,
hhallowed be iyour name.1
10  jYour kingdom come,
kyour will be done,2
lon earth as it is in heaven.
11  mGive us nthis day our daily bread,3
12  and forgive us our debts,
as we also have forgiven our debtors.
13  And olead us not into temptation,
but pdeliver us from qevil.4
14 rFor if you forgive others their trespassesyour heavenly Father will also forgive you,15 sbut if you do not forgive others their trespassesneither will your
 Father forgive your trespasses.

Very simply, we call upon God and His will ...will be done.  Give me that daily bread -- get me through this very hard time or this awful thought. And help me Lord, to forgive and let go.  And Lord, lead me NOT into temptation -- but deliver me.  

As a child, I recited this prayer every day after lunch.  I didn't understand its meaning back then, but I am thankful it is memorized and I am thankful that this prayer is as powerful today as it was a child...reciting it for a purpose.  I do believe God's Kingdom will come and this present hard season will be but a blip....but until then, GOD does care and knows your ache right now.  And He will give You His daily bread, Amen.  


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