Saturday, October 20, 2018

Beloved, we can TRUST God - prayer #15

Trust --

Trust is something that just when you think you trust, you realize you didn't or don't.  Trust is really putting our faith into action.

Lord, may we walk with YOU and TRUST YOU. 
One if the first date nights my husband planned as we began our rebuilding was going to see "Descendants".  I trusted my husband and we went to a movie, "the Descendants".  He wanted to see it.  He felt it was a family movie.   I knew of the theme of the movie.....but I trusted.  It was a hard movie to watch...but I trusted..... and there were a few moments in the movie where I was asking God, 'really....this is too close to home'.  But GOD answered.  And besides, George Clooney is eye candy.. just saying.  Trust.  Trust.  When we really give our everything to God and trust HIM and trust HIS plan......there are glorious changes and restoration.  But sometimes we have to trust the ones that will hurt us...or have hurt us.

I sit amazed at HIS power and how HE fixes and does things in the most unusual ways.  But then again, HE is God.....

TRUST  -- as many are getting so involved in the political scene.  Each side seems to be reaching  touch points or 'hurting' points so show that THEIR side is what is right. 

It is hard to watch -- today this prayer is for those beloved women that God has placed on my heart.  One of them in particular is waiting on God and now living each moment and each day in a sort of 'caution' mode.  She has to trust.  She trusts God ..but trusting him is something that ONLY God can rebuild.  This prayer is inspired for her -- 

This is also for my flummoxed pal -- in a season of uncertainty -- may this prayer bless her and YOU that is reading it. 

Dear Lord,  I come to you now and I say, thank you.  Thank you for the family you have given my friend.  Thank you for the provision and all of the gifts you have bestowed upon her.  Lord, but she needs another gift, a gift of total healing and restoration in many areas of her life and peace.  I thank you Lord, that  she is seeking you, so today, I pray that she will just think and ponder on that word-- trust.   I thank you that she is seeking Your Word for continued guidance and believing that Your Word will not return void. 

 Lord, I pray she would begin to trust YOU to heal her heart.  Lord, I have claimed healing and I will believe that she will be healed.   Lord, that peace would fill her.    Lord, I pray that today and in these  days  of blogged prayers that she just feels so much peace and comfort and that she will be able to hear and notice how the Enemy loves to camp out and lie to her. She does recognize those lies and she is tired of them but now the other half of her also needs to recognize those lies as well. 

  No more lies.  She is deeply loved and she is YOURS.  Lord, I pray that her trust in YOU would grow.  As she has committed  everything to YOU, and she  LETS  YOU totally change whatever else in her that needs to be 'death'...  Lord, fill her with more of You. 

 Lord, that she will appear different to her family and friends and that everyone  will notice that she is  different.   For the one in particular -- as she begins to heal - no matter what her husband chooses to do --she will continue to trust YOU.  I pray  that  her family will see that and take notice -- for YOUR glory Lord, Amen.

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