Monday, September 29, 2014

Exodus 14.14

God wins. 

Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God,
that He may exalt you at the proper time,
casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.

1 Peter 5:6-7 NASB

Do the demands of this day threaten to overwhelm you?

Yes overwhelmed her.  However, it would appear that You have been preparing her for this present 'stike' from the enemy will  remind her to be thankful...

 If so, you must rely not only upon your own resources but also upon the promises of your Father in heaven. 

Your promises ARE exactly WHAT I relied upon several years ago when it seemed that ALL hope was lost.   Your promises are STILL what I call upon -- Your intention for me is Good...not evil.   So, therefore, I will remind her over and over within the next few days....  that... Suffering because of the actions of another just that....the actions of another ...NOT YOU God...  YOU are fighting for her...and me too!   -   

God is a never-ending source of support and courage for those of us who call upon Him.

 You are a never ending source...You placed the stars, I know that I know - You have not allowed this present situation to just appear and fall upon her... YOU allowed it to Your Glory will be given because of it. 
 You won't be mocked. 
 You will win.  
 Justice will come...redemption.  A soul is so very hurt, wounded, and confused -- I will try and help her to   see 'it' through Your eyes this eve... and  I pray she will allow YOUR  courage  to strengthen her ...and the courage of another, I believe is YOUR duty God to fight for her.  I am reminded of that for myself too --  

When we are weary, He gives us strength.

I am not so weary as just TIRED of off of this.... 
I believe she is just so tired of this too.  
She needs to see closure. 
 I need to see some closure. 
 Oh Lord,  I want Your glory to be revealed.  I want to see Your glory revealed with her life too.  
 There are too many young Christians and ones being destroyed by this 'so called' Christian behavior ......remove the enemy from this situation, I pray....

 When we see no hope, God reminds us of His promises.

I won't be discouraged.  I see HOPE.  The attack is just another way to try and stop YOUR workShe won't be defeated.  She will win. 

When we grieve, God wipes away our tears. God will hold your hand and walk with you every day of your life if you let Him.

I grieved for some time, I have laid it on the alter...I have gone to You Lord over and over to make sure that I have forgiven...and walking in that forgiveness takes time.  I know.  This is not the first time that I have had to forgive someone that I held dear to my heart.  This is not the first time I have had to remind myself over and over.... that the person I am seeing right not the one I knew before.  The enemy is a liar.... 

Lord, I pray for her...I pray she will see and understand that THIS life is temporary and that, this is just something that will pass, and that as long as she forgives...God will honor that and the Holy Spirit will help her walk in that forgiveness. 

Personally, Lord,  I am tired of the references to_______________ and that _________________.   I am tired of the constant barrage of pity....  in Jesus name...I place all that I do and say before You Lord, and IN Jesus my Pastor stated yesterday, I forgive...and won't fight back... as Jesus did it already!

  God won.   God,   You won't be mocked ...and You are big enough to fight the battles.  I believe that this evening, Lord, I pray she will.  I pray she will believe that - YOU are fighting for her.  I pray she will be reminded that  - in this time of war -  it only took one stone to take down the   God wins.   I pray she will begin to trust in each and every moment that You are indeed in control Lord, I pray she will lay it at Your feet. 

 So even if your circumstances are difficult, trust the Father.

I trust You God.   I am standing in the gap for her.  She will trust You. 

His love is eternal, and His goodness endures forever.

Believing in You Lord, thank you for the Daily New Life Devotional today Lord,  I pray It spoke volumes to   anonymous  - it did to me.  Amen

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