Saturday, September 6, 2014

Expecting #32 -- TOUGH post... Jezebel... it may stretch you - it stretched me!

Question: "What is the Jezebel spirit?" 

Answer:There is a variety of opinions about what constitutes a Jezebel spirit, everything from sexual looseness in a woman to the teaching of false doctrine—by a man or a woman. The Bible does not mention a Jezebel spirit, although it has plenty to say about Jezebel herself.

Jezebel’s story is found in 1 and 2 Kings. She was the daughter of Ethbaal, king of Tyre/Sidon and priest of the cult of Baal, a cruel, sensuous and revolting false god whose worship involved sexual degradation and lewdness. Ahab, king of Israel, married Jezebel and led the nation into Baal worship (1 Kings 16:31). Ahab and Jezebel’s reign over Israel is one of the saddest chapters in the history of God’s people.

There are two incidents in the life of Jezebel which characterize her and may define what is meant by the Jezebel spirit. One trait is her obsessive passion for domineering and controlling others, especially in the spiritual realm. When she became queen, she began a relentless campaign to rid Israel of all evidences of Jehovah worship. She ordered the extermination of all the prophets of the Lord (1 Kings 18:4,13) and replaced their altars with those of Baal. Her strongest enemy was Elijah, who demanded a contest on Mount Carmel between the powers of Israel’s God and the powers of Jezebel and the priests of Baal (1 Kings 18). Of course, Jehovah won, but despite hearing of the miraculous powers of Jehovah, Jezebel refused to repent and swore on her gods that she would pursue Elijah relentlessly and take his life. Her stubborn refusal to see and submit to the power of the living God would lead her to a hideous end (2 Kings 9:29-37).

The second incident involves a righteous man named Naboth who refused to sell to Ahab land adjoining the palace, rightly declaring that to sell his inheritance would be against the Lord’s command (1 Kings 21:3;Leviticus 25:23). While Ahab sulked and fumed on his bed, Jezebel taunted and ridiculed him for his weakness, then proceeded to have the innocent Naboth framed and stoned to death. Naboth’s sons were also stoned to death, so there would be no heirs, and the land would revert to the possession of the king. Such a single-minded determination to have one’s way, no matter who is destroyed in the process, is a characteristic of the Jezebel spirit.

So infamous was Jezebel’s sexual immorality and idol worship that the Lord Jesus Himself refers to her in a warning to the church at Thyatira (Revelation 2:18-29). Most likely referring to a woman in the church who influenced it the same way Jezebel influenced Israel into idolatry and sexual immorality, Jesus declares to the Thyatirans that she is not to be tolerated. Whoever this woman was, like Jezebel, she refused to repent of her immorality and her false teaching, and her fate was sealed. The Lord Jesus cast her onto a sick bed, along with those who committed idolatry with her. The end for those who succumb to a Jezebel spirit is always death and destruction, both in the physical and the spiritual sense.

Perhaps the best way to define the Jezebel spirit is to say it characterizes anyone who acts in the same manner as Jezebel did, engaging in immorality, idolatry, false teaching and unrepentant sin. To go beyond that is to engage in conjecture and can possibly lead to false accusations and divisiveness within the body of Christ.

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Ok - NOW WHY am I posting this?  

In these last 10 days of the Expecting Series of prayers, I am believing that God is going to be asking me to TEST my knowledge...  as, my sister in Christ and I approach the 'end' of our 40 days of prayer, I believe both of us are going to be STRETCHED even more, but we will be ready.  God has been preparing us!  ( And others...I know.  )  

I know that I know that God is going to reveal to her a mighty sister in Christ.  And as I stated on the very first day of prayer  -- that there would be  clarity and many hurts within her circle would be healed... change.....and there would be a new refreshing.  And as I said, that is happening - I can see it!  But there are other women reading this and I know that GOD is creative and as the Holy Spirit leads me and writes for me..... and I share HIS Word...that WORD also speaks to others.  And so therefore,  some of those women ( and me) need this stretching too.  So in these last '10' days before the 40 ends.... I am seeking God to stretch me.  

OK ...enough said.  
( These blogs keeps getting longer - geeze .)  Sorry -- but it is OK, you can stop reading now if you are not interested -- but I bet you are!  

Over my 20+ years of being in and out of church - I have heard the reference of a 'Jezebel' spirit mentioned.  I even believe a Jezebel spirit can be within a man as well.  It is not just women.  After prayer and research -- I am going to be a bit more careful in just mentioning that name...or speaking it out.  As now I realize HOW this spirit causes MUCH discord.  

Lord, I have been 'loosly' using that word to describe some behaviors of late. And I see, where I used to have a Jezebel spirit and/or attitude as well.  I am guilty.  
However, I am now forgiven and redeemed.  For many years, I had idols.  And I allowed a false teaching -- only because I DID not study Your Word myself.  I was not obedient.  I was passive and I CONTROLLED.  I manipulated.   I knew 'how' to get something done and I could guilt someone into doing in -- many times in the 'name of Jesus'...and that time - I had NO clue -- really.  Again - forgive me Lord.  And, many times I brought divisiveness to situations -- mostly believing I was 'doing them a favor'.  Oh Lord.... the memories come clear...  and I see -- where and when.  Forgive me Lord.  
Do I share this next part?   


In the past month MUCH has transpired and one of the BEST events was this Women's Encounter  - two weeks ago.  And at the Encounter much happens, and it would take a long time to type and explain the before and after...but during a part of the 'testimony' time -- I had this most unusual thing happen to me.  And I instantly knew ... a 'demonic spirit' of something was trying to get 'on' me.  Again ...if you are freaked out right now -- 

Then stop reading and leave it be.  I know.  I was freaked out for almost 40 years....  but, to think  and believe that evil is NOT around us -- is placing our heads in the sand.   Now, I have NEVER believed nor believe that 'it' could get IN I am covered and protected as - Jesus Christ is within me..... but I believe God allowed the illustration cause -- we are in the last days and spiritual warfare is REAL and alive.    I heard a Preacher state one, "it does not matter whether it is in you, on you, or around you - it is a matter of geography - but the enemy is real".  Now...again, I don't believe this spirit had a chance - but the experience was very real.  

As I was listening to a women give her testimony, and I do NOT believe this came from her, I felt something trying to rub and /or scratch my back and it made me stand taller.  I was holding the microphone to her - as she was speaking, and instantly I felt like something in my stomach -- kind of like maybe acid was released.  I had this vision like when you add Kool-aid or Crystal Light to water and you see the color dye mix ...?  Well, I felt that and I knew - and looked to the Cross  ( as it was in the corner of the room ) and said to myself, "oh no way, satan get away- you ain't coming on me ) and it was gone.  I mean -- this all transpired in a matter of 5 seconds...if that.  And I moved onto the next women who gave her testimony.  

And I let it be.  It did not come back to my mind -- until must later that day and I asked a few sisters in Christ their opinion and they believed what I experienced could of very well been what I believed it was.  As another sister in Christ felt like someone was trying to pull her hair - about a 10 minutes  after that...that is when everything sort of clicked and it made sense.  

Now why again am I sharing... cause -- that is WHAT God has asked me to do -- 

As another dear sister in Christ has shared....our time is short.  People need to know -- there is real demonic stuff out there.  

And you know what - I have total peace in someone needs to read this and know - there is an answer - WE HAVE the authority and power to CAST it out.  

Satan has NO power or hold...God wins.  And that is another blog....  

So back to this Jezebel spirit.  Within the past month, I have seen a demon - I believe I have. Twice.  And I am praying for that person in which I believe is dealing with something. And is it that Jezebel spirit - I have NO me - it does not matter.  

I had a person come to me and tell me once that they saw 'demons' all around my husband.  And all I said was..."oh, ya, ok...".  And she said, "do you believe in that ?"  And I replied - "ya, I would not doubt it".  At that time -- I just did not like him very much....

We can't blame everything we do 'bad' on demon spirits -- much of our own failures are caused by our OWN choices.  AGain -- we can't keep giving Satan credit - he is getting to  much.    But...there is evil out there ...and there are very real evil spirits that attach  - itself to stuff and  well... they can live with people...  and they can remain dormant -- until they meet the HOLY Spirit....  

Anyway -- I pray I did not open a WHOLE Can of worms.  I am kind of excited as to see WHAT God will show me tomorrow.  Tomorrow is Sunday - church and it is day #33...I trust HE has the next 'stretching' ready.  

Today has been an interesting day -- I sought God for forgiveness - as I have been blaming this Jezebel spirit for a few days now  for MUCH...and I can't do that --   but it certainly is a very clear description ....  

If we try to control...
If we try to manipulate...
If we are using any type of sexual immorality...
If we are causing divisiveness .... in the Body of Christ ...
If we can't submit to Spiritual Authority...
If we must control - and we manipulate to control...
If we speak false doctrine ....
If we refuse to repent ...

If we always think we are right...
If we feel we are the ones to teach others the 'truth' instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to convict...
If we have to have OUR needs met first each time....
If we....  

I was stretched today.  I repented.  I can see where I could 'fall quickly' if I am not mindful, prayerful, and watchful.  And I know that I come under Spiritual Authority -- as I have a Pastor that  I listen to and honor.  ( I actually have 3 now, but one is over the Home Group Ministry and that is my role at the moment - over the women...)   

 I also have a few women that I have asked to WATCH me  - especially with my blogging -- and if they are prompted by the Holy Spirit ...I listen.  Praise God, my  husband is the Spiritual head of our home - and he covers me with his prayers -- and he reads and holds me accountable. 

He also confirms and approves the blogs.  

 So..with that, I clearly told the enemy this eve -- "nope, you won't whisper" this word to me anymore...  If one wants to call me 'jezebel' ...God will fight for me.    And, with that -- a forgiveness of myself came over me.  

Lord, WOW - what a day - I am out of words and it is time for bed.  I pray for my she is enjoying her weekend and getting some needed rest...I praise You Lord for answered prayer and I can't wait to worship you tomorrow at church.  And Lord...for EACH and every prayer request mentioned, thought of today -  MOVE Lord...take care if it all -- I know you will...I know as long as we seek YOU and obey ... all will be well.  Lord, for those reading this - God I pray that if they want to talk more, they will contact me...and if not...I pray they will seek you themselves. YOU are not a mean God...and nothing is freaky with  you..and I thank you Lord, Amen.  

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