Monday, October 9, 2017

Prayers for a Sister in Christ in Crisis -- #33 -- Today is day #33

Jesus began his ministry at about age 30 and went to the cross at 33.
The men in our church are doing a series called, "33". 

I think back to when I was 33 and realize ....  the Lord was beginning to prick my heart and it was probably around 38 that I truly allowed God to open my eyes. 

The Trinity is 3. 
How strong is a 3 braided chord? 

In a VERY hard time as I was seeking God and I was "single"...... I would ask God all the time to show me or tell me something.  I had several dreams and visions in that season that brought forth hope, but one day I met a stranger and shook his hand.  Later in the church service, that stranger went to my Pastor and shared a dream he had for me. 

It was where he saw me on a boat, with this big rope that had been severed.  And I stood there looking at him as the rope was in two pieces and I asked him what to do.  He calmly stated you can splice it back together or get a new rope. 

That story was so significant.  It mean a LOT to me.  He was a stranger and how on earth did he know that my marriage had been severed.  And basically -- I could splice it back together or get a new marriage.  I pondered over his dream for several weeks and knew what God wanted me to do.   

A few weeks  later, I "officially" met this guy again and his wife and  I asked him to  share the entire story/dream to me so I heard it from him.  After he shared, he asked me, "so, what are you going to do?".  I knew with complete godly confidence that I was to TRY and splice it back together.  He smiled at me and said, "I think God would be pleased."   He then replied..."you know that to splice a braided chord for a sail would take time and energy.  It had to be done just the right way, where you trimmed off a bit from each end and then spliced them together - but if you did it right, it would be stronger at that point than ever before and it would not sever at that point again. 

The trouble is -----   BOTH parties have to be willing to change and allow some stuff to be cut off so a new union can begin ......

For that sister in Christ today - still waiting, honoring her husband by staying single -- even though he has filed the divorce papers and has begun sleeping with another....

For that sister in Christ today -- still waiting,  she honored her man and tried her best for years to pray him through his addiction until finally she had to leave for her peace.....and he still won't seek the needed help to get free of sexual addiction, but she continues to pray and hope .....

For that sister in Christ that feels so alone, that she can't share or express to anyone around her that her husband left her and has not spoken to her in weeks....and she just wants some sort of understanding as to the WHY of it.....  

For the sister in Christ that realizes she will probably see her estranged husband hit rock bottom before he comes to full repentance and it hurts her to watch....

Lord, ONLY You can comfort and bind their brokenhearts....
Lord, ONLY You can bring beauty from the ashes....

Lord, ONLY You can meet the need.  AS I continue to claim life and believe that You are faithful and You will guide this woman as she continues to grow in You --   

I just pray -- HOLD them today.  May they see this present crisis as just a season where You met them, You held them, and You guided them - IN Jesus name. 

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