Monday, September 18, 2017

Prayer/Day # 14 Prayers for a Sister in Christ in Crisis - there is HOPE!

  Today we started school back.  I thought of the women with children that can't go to school -- yet -- because  of Hurricane Irma.   I thought about the many teachers that were not allowed to start school today because of the lack of power and damage to their community or school.

I also thought of one particular sister in Christ who has  sustained a major loss with her home and belongings because of the Hurricane.  I could not get her out of my mind today -- and I asked God  to bring me the RIGHT blog to share.  She is not crying over STUFF....but this next season will be difficult as she will no longer have an income  and her husband's fishing business is put on hold for some time.  Again, it may be a difficult season but I am confident that God is right there with her and leading and guiding her.  

The Holy Spirit led me to this blog I wrote about seven months ago.  I read it  again and KNEW -- I needed to read this again, so another would as well.   

I also prayed for the wife who is still trying to HOLD her family together -- believing that God has her still waiting -- and I agreed with her in prayer today, that His will would be done.  So many would of given up already, but she knows that she knows, her present difficult season can't compare to the glory that God will reveal in eternity! 

I also prayed for a young lady.  A student.  She shared her heart with me today -- she was not enjoying the teasing she was getting from her classmates because she decided to "go with" another boy that liked her.  I reminded her that if she was my daughter - she would not be allowed to have a "beau" in the 5th grade, that she could have a crush; however,  if she felt she was mature enough to be "dating" then she may have to endure a bit of teasing from the other fifth graders.  That conversation led to another, and when I heard her heart and what she has been allowed to do and think so far in her short 11 years ...... well, I reminded her that I pray for her daily and I prayed that she would consider just being  "friends" with the boy!   

Lord, may the one reading this, have the time and patience to read these blogs or come back to them and know that YOU are a God of HOPE and that her present season is NOT hopeless!  In Jesus name, Amen.  

So, here is that blog:  

The Lord brought me to something this morning,  I believe He  spoke into my heart -- "remind the women that they have a GREAT God!".  

This came to me during worship at the Propel Event in Orlando last December.  I went with great exceptions to hear and see a great move of God and within the first 10 minutes of worship, He spoke and I had 4 pages written in my journal.  I could not write fast enough.  I sat down in awe and wonder.   

Then the speakers spoke.

 Today,  I read in Ephesians 1-2 and was reminded of my power in Christ.  Our power in Christ Jesus.  I was reminded that I am a fellow citizen  with the saints!  And that Jesus Christ is my cornerstone.   This goes for EVERY sister in Christ! 

This week has certainly been a blessing to me -- if you read my previous blog, we signed a contract on a home.  A lake condo.  ( That sounds so Palm Beachish....)  But after moving four times and renting the past 61/2 years, were are ready to be completed and move into our home.  7.  This is the 7th year since our house sort of broke apart so with God's perfect timing and number -- it fits.   So, with all that sweet goodness, OF COURSE I can smile, write a blog and encourage.  Encouraging when it hurts is truly an act of God --  but also knowing that He is going to redeem and restore is something I held onto so tightly when we were in the midst of darkness and uncertainty.  

So, I am unsure exactly WHERE   you are at this moment,  today as you are reading this;  but I went to 3 other blogs where there was a theme of HOPE and perhaps one of these will help you get through this next 5 minutes, the next 5 hours, or maybe it will hold you for the next 5 years.   Sometimes the wait is very long.  I am reminded of Moses and his 40 years, Joseph and his 13 years, and even Jesus waiting from the age of 12 to about 33!   Waiting seems to be something God uses.  

I want to remind you - God does keep His promises and He can change people. 
 He can change you! 

Often WHAT IS revealed in us -- can't come to the surface until you don't get what you want!!   THAT is our true self.  Our mouth and lives must line up with God's Word !   Perhaps that is what God is waiting on -- waiting on YOU to do some changing and He can then move forward with your husband or children.  Is He waiting on you?

What comes out of our hearts -- is what God is looking at.  So often we can smile and look so perfect and deep inside there is pride, lust, greed, and unforgiveness -- and yet, no one could tell from the outside until something happens and then maybe our true self comes out.

I think our world has this 'theme' right now to - JUST accept it. 

 NO way -- we serve a mighty God and I won't just accept it.  I am going to stand on God's Word and use that as my guide.  I am going to stand on His Word!  So, in His Word it says, I have a purpose and He has great plans for me.  His Word reminds me  that He is the alpha and the omega and I am not the head nor the tail -- but I am WITH Him - seated at His side.  And I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

YA!!  Right now I am playing Lion and the Lamb by Big Daddy Weave.  
I had to write it that big - as the words get me fired up.  I am MORE than just me -- I am one with Christ.   And His Word says that I can do EVEN more than what Jesus did....!!  That is power.

So, with that -- whatever it  IS this day -- I pray you will grab your bible and go directly to Ephesians 1-3 and read  and when you get to 3.20 -- STAND and declare that need and allow God to fulfill  His Will, In Jesus name.   Amen.

And perhaps you will follow these links and read more - I pray that one of these blogs will give you the needed hope to press in, hold on,  and believe in a miracle for your marriage, your children, yourself, or even the one right in your circle of influence that God placed on your heart.   He wants you to see the victory!  

I am humbled that God even uses this blog for one person to read -- may it indeed be an encouragement!   - Michelle

Exodus 14.14

A Message of Hope - David Wilkerson

A Message of HOPE - God's Promises

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