Friday, January 17, 2014

Prayer #36 - Do they know what they are giving up?

Posts #1-35 have been  focused prayers  for  God's institution of  marriage.  Of course - there had to some  people within my circle of influence that I love ---that are having some marital problems.  So, I believed God was calling me to focus on praying for marriages. But I also believe there are people reading this that I am NOT aware of and THEY needed to hear from God and know - HE created marriage.

I got confirmation many times after I started this, that I was within God's will to be a writing prayers for marriage.  I have tried to be mindful of what the Holy Spirit is speaking to me and tonight ...

What keeps coming into my head is today....

Does she realize WHAT she is giving up?
Does he realize WHAT he is giving up?

God brought another couple into our path this week.
 They are young, with 2 small children and another one on the way.  Extreme hurt has befallen  on both sides of this marriage and there was a shocking death of a family member as well-- which has added to the hurt.

But tonight, they  - WANT to seek healing.  And I get to speak life into her and encourage her and believe WITH her .....that her husband can be restored and redeemed as well.

I got to thinking,  as I spoke with her this evening -- DOES he realized how special she is?  Does he realize WHAT she has decided to do to obey God, save her marriage, and bless her children?   Does he realize how hurt she is?

When my husband and I were in the middle of our crisis of faith and we were separated, I would lay awake in my bed- ALONE- and just talk and talk to God and give him my list....

Does he get it Lord?  Will you please SEND him another man to speak to him and REMIND him of what he is missing?

Lord, would you PLEASE have another speak to him  -- and shout at him, "what the hell were you thinking?".....

And then, Lord, please send him someone to speak life into him....

I mean, at first I had a lot of anger, then sadness, and then finally release  and then forgiveness...but my human flesh  wanted a PERSON fighting for me....the verse from Exodus 14.14,  which I quote often, God will fight for me, I need only be still.....WAS JUST NOT pleasing my flesh.

It is a process and I had to walk through it -- thankfully God was right there each and every moment.
But God is always there and HE knows everything -- HE never leaves us, it is us that leave Him.

And I know now God did send the right people to him and some of them did ask him..what are you thinking?

So tonight's prayer is simple again -

God, does she realize what she is giving up? How can she believe the enemy when he whispers to her that things will be OK ...things will never be ok again - they will be different and there will  be consequences of actions.  

 Lord, does he realize what he is giving up?  How can he believe the enemy when he whispers to him that things will be OK....things will never be ok again - they will be different and there will be consequences of actions. 

But Lord, I DO trust you ...and I KNOW that YOU are and have brought people with in their circle to speak truth to them.  And I know Lord, you bring beauty out of the ashes, and I know that once their eyes are open to the lies of the enemy...they will see some of the hurt and I am going to claim that they repent and seek forgiveness from the spouse hurting so badly tonight - alone in that bed - alone in that house. 

 And I believe Lord, that YOU can redeem and restore and I know and believe that THEY can have a marriage even BETTER than they had before -- with YOU. 

 I am a walking testament to that fact - so I know - YOU can do it again.  God I pray that each of the marriage partners WANT that and will WAIT on YOU, humbly submit,   obey, ...and try -- to allow YOU to bring  healing.  

In Jesus name, Amen! 

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