Saturday, January 4, 2014

- wonder woman - Linda Robertson

A cartoon right?

Or a real person?

I loved the show Wonder Woman as a child - Linda Carter was beautiful and she always got the bad guy and she always was tough and strong.

I know a beautiful woman and her name is Linda and she ALWAYS is trampling on the bad guy - the Enemy -- she HATES him -- she always says, 'he is a liar'.

She is my friend and a  'wonder' to the many she loves ...a  wonder to the many she prays for ... however  tonight -  I am penning a prayer that has been a forming in my head for a few days.

And she LOVES super heros -- so I pray she won't mind the analogy this evening as I post a prayer --

I am praying for my friend - my Pastor - my 'sissta'..... Linda -- an intercessor that YOU want on YOUR side....

Lord, as the new year begins, there are many new and important things that LInda is going to be doing -- lesson plans...fcat....teaching....common core....lesson plans....performing for state people....  that ALL has to do with her job.  

Lord, as the new year begins, there are many new and important things that Linda will be doing at church, mentoring new people, watching over the Women's Ministry, leading a bible study cell EXTRAVAGANZA, and then leading our next Encounter -- that has to do with  YOU....

And Lord, as this new year begins, the enemy has gotten a hold of her leg -- a situation that ONLY you can figure out and fix -- she is in need of a healing.  

So, Lord, I come to you -- and I ask, that as Linda keeps her eyes on You, the champion who initiates and perfects our faith.....and as she keeps reaching for YOUR glory  -- Lord I pray she will reach forward with great persistence and believe that ALL will fall into place as the school year starts again and that she will be able to multi-task and satisfy the demands of her job without losing her sanity.  

Lord, she knows she has not reached perfection in anything ...but she continues to press forward and seek the best for her students and her co-workers -- for that - BLESS her Lord, and again, ease the pressure to 'perform' as she goes to school each day -- I pray over ALL of those teachers there at Everglades -- comfort their thoughts and give them peace that they can only attribute to YOU - In Jesus name!    Lord, for the entire school  - that they will RISE above the 'F' and flourish -- amen!  

Lord, I pray that you would send angels to apply the healing balm of Gilead upon that leg -- touch it like only YOU can -- Lord, heal it -- she has MORE trampling to do-- on the enemy -- she needs that leg to be strong and pain free - in Jesus name!  

 Lord, I thank you for the healing you gave her in that leg many years ago -- but we need it a second time -- thank you for YOUR healing and YOUR glory.  We bind all infection and cast it out - in Jesus name!

And finally Lord, as the preparations for Girls with Swords have sort of come and gone -- and yet, there is still MORE to do and plan -- I pray that as a team - the women of Fountain of LIFE ...we will conquer evil through God's power - HIS word...Lord, I pray for the women deciding to come -- for those wanting to come...and for those on the fence   - I pray they will feel such a longing and calling from YOU -- that they will come, even with a wall up...but willing to hear YOU and willing to listen - and be open to WHAT YOU are going to do -- as then, the walls can  fall....and I pray for the ministry team that will lead the small group discussions  and I pray for the 'young girls' that will come as well -- as they grow in stature - Lord, I pray they will wield a strong sword - of YOUR word.  

Lord, I pray for the women that do come...that they can endure any present hardship with patience.  I pray for the women that do come...that they will listen as I asked with an open heart but then also WALK in the faith...WALK in YOUR truth...and WALK in a greater victory of freedom!   Lord, I pray that the 'Timothy's' ..of today -- will come -- and hear YOU speaking through Lisa Bevere and I pray that as Linda pulls it all together - and guides us each Thursday, she will feel YOUR heavenly peace and YOUR heavenly wisdom  ...IN Jesus name, Amen!  

And finally Lord, as we begin to prepare for our next Encounter with Women at Fountain of Life - Lord, as you are knitting together the team of women that will you are knitting together the prayer you are knitting together the ladies that will attend - GOD - be there  -- empty US of US and fill US with YOU....empty me of me - fill me with you ...empty Linda of LInda and fill her with an ever GREATER ability to love and an even GREATER ability to orchestrate the planning and then the she has said, she wants to do your will -- and I stand in agreement with her, as I believe EVERY woman reading this prayer for her - agrees....YOU deserve all glory and honor - and we thank YOU for what YOU are going to do.  

IN Jesus name, Amen.  

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