Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Prayers for a marriage #7 -- Putting God first.

I had the chance to fly home for the weekend.  I had the opportunity to share some time with some of my favorite people -- family.  I had the awesome blessing of being a ( small part) part of a benefit for a family dealing with ALS, and I also got to LOVE a brand new nephew. 

In a conversation between a loved one.....  he mentioned that I should .......be reminded that.....   'the wife comes before God'.  

I quickly smiled at my dear loved one and reminded him....'no, God is first'. 

Too often, us women have it wrong....we train our husbands instead of training  up our children. 
We seek ALL of our needs from our men --instead of Our Lord. 

But that can happen on the flip side too -- Men can place their children or 'stuff' before their wives and can place their children, wives, or 'stuff' before their Lord. 

God has to be first. 

I had a tremendous TOOTH ache last night.  It has been bothering me for a few days.  This morning, as I was driving to work and praying for - thanking God for some healing within another -- I said out loud..."Lord, I need a healing today -- I do.  Me.  My tooth. "  And I could clearly hear, in my spirit that the Holy Spirit said,   that two women were to pray for me -- and as I got to school, both of those women were available to pray and I asked them - "Please, now...pray.".    

Do you know what?    I am believing and claiming healing -- as I got to the dentist and we are waiting out this tooth - believing that it is healed.    The x-ray did not show I needed a root canal, so I am going to believe that I was healed.  As I left the dentist, I began a conversation with God that went like this....

"you care about the littlest thing'

Yes I do.

"I am believing that I am healed - thank you Lord"

You are welcome.

"You care about each and everyone around me"

Yes I do. 

"You are going to heal Rebekah"

Yes I am. 

"Lord, SHOW off big time.....  may that bone scan reveal HOW much you are going to SHOW off".

God's Kingdom purpose is far greater than what I can see.

I know that Rebekah and her husband have placed God first and that -- they will be fine.
Rebekah started some radiation last night, with a bone scan this am.
I am still believing and claiming a healing -- #go for 4 God!

I believe that God has to be first.
I believe that when we make Him first within our marriage.....Our prayers are heard.
So tonight's prayer is with that in mind.....and I am just adding a praise and thank you for the healing that is coming forth for my friends the Prescott's -- as I believe, HE heals.

Lord God....I am asking you today to speak to each of the wives and husbands that are on my mind....that may read this blog prayer, and for myself...
Lord God, I pray that we will ALL be still to hear your voice and allow YOU to fill our hearts with life and peace.
Lord God, may you be first...not our marriage...not our problems...not our heartache...but YOU -

Lord God, may  YOU be first ....even ahead of the cancer. 
Lord God, may we worship you and not our spouses or problems...
Lord God, I know you desire to walk with me -- but too often we are too busy to listen and walk slowly with you - 


God, I pray for each one that reads this today -- that they will make a point of walking slower and listening more intently....
Lord God, I pray that each person within these marriages will submit wholeheartedly to YOU the Lord - the living God.

Lord God - that each of these people....individually will put YOU first and make YOU their first love....and submit to You and your lead and that YOU may be their highest priority. 

Lord, be first - the BEACON in us!

Lord God, as these couples work on issues....speak to each other.....and move forward...and as a few of them learn that YOU can redeem them....I pray peace and joy over their circumstance...may they find you in the quietness of their thoughts -- and may they STAY there.
Lord God, I pray they will put You first - amen.  

This morning I was reminded that - GOD wins and HE has a great plan -- HE designed marriage and HE designed it well......HE fully wants everyone to enjoy the fruits and benefits of a healthy marriage - God my desire is that this focus and these prayers will encourage just ONE couple -- to persist!  


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